Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Positive View on Social Media and Facebook Essay

Over one billion people worldwide use or have a profile on some sort of social media. Facebook is one form of social media that leads the charge. Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows users to locate and reunite with old friends, join groups of members that share your same interests, do research, and entertain themselves through the use of a variety of applications embedded within the website. Every so often we feel the urge to locate old friends that we have not been in touch with in a long time. We just type in their name and see what comes up. One day my wife looked up an old friend of mine, Paul Z. and found a man about the right age. She thought at first it was someone else because with age we all look different. Looking back at her was an older man with grey hair and a beard, something that neither Paul nor I had the last time we had seen each other. So she started to go through pictures and started seeing familiar faces, pictures from the past that was our past too. She immediately requested that they become â€Å"friends† on Facebook knowing that this was our friend from years ago. The request was accepted and our friendship was reunited again. After Facebook and my wife reunited two old friends I started to look at Facebook for other ideas on who to try and communicate with. Old classmates came to mind and it just so happens that Facebook provides a tool fo r reuniting classmates on the website. After about ten minutes or so of answering a few simple questions about where I went to school and when, I logged off and went about my business. About two or three days later I started getting responses. At first I didn’t recognize anybody, but then after a little research, yearbooks mostly, I started to recognize some of the names and memories followed. I have since been in touch with a couple of classmates from as far back as second and third grade, an amazing feat since second and third grade was in 1966 and 1967. I now get invitations to class reunions and other events that I never had before. Although I haven’t attended one yet, maybe someday I will. Another part of Facebook that I thoroughly enjoy, are all the groups that are available to join and hang out with. The Navy is just one of the many groups that I belong to. There I get to chat and share the many memories I have from my time in the service. Some are really great, like the time I got to ride a camel in front of the main Pyramid in Egypt, except when it spit on me, that wasn’t fun. Or the time I rode a Gondola in Venice down the waterways. And some not so great, like 1991 in the Persian Gulf or rescuing refugees off the coast of Haiti. But all are memories I love to share with old shipmates and Facebook makes it possible. Genealogy is a subject that has interested me for years. One of the greatest challenges I have found, is how to quickly and accurately research the information I need on members of my family. I even subscribed to an online genealogy website. Where, for $30.00 per month, I could do all the research I wanted. This soon became more than I could fit into my budget, so I started to look for another way. I saw an advertisement on Facebook for a new application called â€Å"Family Tree†, an online web app that allows family members to input their own family information and merge it into an existing family tree. It also allows each family member to visit and update their own part of the tree as often as they like. I signed up and started to enter information about my own immediate family and forwarded requests for other members of my family to join. The response was amazing. To date my family has placed 1,288 entries into the family tree and it continues to grow every day. Although groups, family history research, locating long lost friends takes up a lot of time, I still try to find ways to amuse myself on the computer. Facebook can do that too. There are literally hundreds of games that you can play either by yourself or with family and friends. CityVille 2 is the one that I am currently involved in socially. I haven’t started any individual games yet, but I will eventually. Games are not the only forms of entertainment provided by Facebook. The posts that all of my friends place on the site can be hilarious. I am constantly looking at all of the photos and videos that have been posted and at times they can be pretty entertaining as well. All things considered, there are many ways to communicate with family, friends and classmates. Newer forms of social media, like Facebook give us a significantly more effective and in most cases, less expensive way to stay in touch with the people that mean the most to us. It can also provide tools for exploring new and exciting ways to entertain ourselves, research your family history by starting a family tree, or join a group that shares your interests. The opportunities are endless.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Role of Technology in the Development of the United States in the 20th Century

In the past hundred years, it is no question that the advancement and development of the United States has grown exponentially. A great deal of this advancement has been due to the growth in technology that makes life easier, more efficient, and healthier. All of these things combined together, gowing in the 20th century, has made the United States one of the largest world powers and one of the most desirable places to live. There are some things, on the other hand, that technology has affected that really hinders not only the United States, but the planet as a whole.Most of these problems are environmental, which can be detrimental to the planet in the long run, despite the current outcomes. Practices including deforestation and over-fishing contribute to this. However, this technology, when compared to the good and the bad, has definitely left behind a positive mark behind it because of the obvious evidence that technology, such as automobiles, computers, and space exploration, hav e greatly impacted the present day America we are living in today. Today, in the 21st century of America, we are a thriving country, rich with technology.We live in a society where an automobile is almost a necessary factor through daily life because without a car or public transportation, most individuals would not be able to actually get to their job. The creation of the automobile has impacted the place we live so much because the citizens of the United States can work in jobs in a much larger radius from their home, which turns out to be very efficient for both the companies employing these people as well as the employee himself because he has more option for places to work, all because of the automobile.We also live in a society where computers are abundant, so much so that in almost all workplaces there are elements of computers and internet. Also, without these computers and information systems, there would be no online courses or universities for students to take. Online cou rses have had a very positive impact on our country because students can get an education with the ease and the comfort of their own home, all while maintaining a very low price. This makes enrolling in a university more attractive to someone on the fenceof going to university, so in the big picture we have more Americans learning at some kind of institution making our nation smarter and more advanced than it has ever been. This is all due to the growth in the automobile industry and the computer and information systems industry growing in the 20th century. Without these industries growth, our lives today would be very different. Some industries growths, however, will lead a very different outcome in the long run. Paper companies are using methods to chop down trees at a very large rate, in favor only of the paper industry.This is greatly hurting the planet because of the mass deforestation the paper companies are creating. These trees and forests are a necessity for daily life on e arth and without the forests, our future as humans on this earth will be a lot less thriving than the position we are in today. Another example is over-fishing in all bodies of water. Fish are a renewable resource , however, they need to time to reproduce and grow. Fisheries are capturing these sea creatures at such a rate that the fish are not able to fully recover from the over-fishing these companies have done.These two problems are very similar to each other and provides a common theme with the negatives of our new technological growth. The 20th century led our nation to this problem because we have just gotten carried away when it comes to the use of natural, renewable resources. We just have to remember that moderation is key, because with moderation, the trees will be able to grow back and recover from the deforestation and the fish will be able to reproduce at a greater rate. In closing, the pros of the technological growth of the 20th century greatly outweigh the cons.The c ons are a much easier problem to fix because the nations companies that deal with renewable resources just have to take these resources in moderation, otherwise these necessities for life will not be around for much longer. New technology, like the automobile and computers, instead of diminishing our country, have brought light and a new hope to our country, as well as the world because these industries are growing at an enormous rate because almost everyone in America as both a computer and a car.One of the biggest things that we have to look forward as a country is space travel which began in the 20th century when America put a man in orbit and the first man on the moon. The technology that got America to the moon has greatly affected the space technology we have today. It has influenced the 21st century buzz of putting a man on mars as well as warp drives. These are both very exciting things America has to look forward to and we can do that all thanks to the 20th century technolo gy.

Monday, July 29, 2019

What is UChicagos Acceptance Rate Admissions Requirements?

UChicago Accepts 7.2% of Applicants. What Does It Take to Get In? Built into historic Hyde Park, the University of Chicago is home to over 20,000 students across its undergraduate college and seven professional schools. Known for its unusual essay prompts, iconic mascot (t he phoenix),   and tight-knit community, UChicago offers one of the most unique locales for nourishing a developing mind. But with an acceptance rate of only 7.2%, securing admission is no easy task. If you love the idea of spending four years learning deeply with your peers, read this post for insight on how to make your application stand out. We have helped thousands of students apply to UChicago, and we’re eager to pass our experience on to you. You may apply through the Coalition Application or the Common Application . For most applicants, we recommend the Common App. Learn more about it in our Guide to the Common App . You can apply via any of the school’s four decision rounds. Early Action and Early Decision I applications are due November 1. Early Decision II and Regular Decision applications are due January 2. If you’re unsure about whether to apply early, read our post Early Decision vs. Early Action vs. Restrictive Early Action . To apply, be sure to send in all of the following: International applicants are subject to different application requirements, which can be found on UChicago’s page for International Applicants . Optional Components. Students with backgrounds in art, creative media, research, or an uncommon field may submit supplemental materials if they so desire. You should only do so, however, if you plan to continue the featured activity at the college level, if your work is exceptional and adds a new dimension to your application. UChicago is one of the most selective schools in the nation, with an admissions rate of 7.2%. Of 32,291 applicants last year, only 2,329 were admitted. Ultimately 79% of students admitted chose to attend UChicago. 7.2% may sound like an intimidating number. Only a select few top-ranked schools like Harvard and Stanford come in with lower acceptance rates. But it’s important to remember that the strength of your profile impacts whether chances are higher than the average applicant. Be sure to surround yourself with people who have been through the process so that you are receiving accurate and informed advice on how to craft a competitive profile. You may choose to work with a company like or conduct research on your own. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. The University of Chicago prides itself on a holistic application review, so there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind as you apply. Academics. This includes both grades and test scores. Students with positive trends over time will also be viewed more favorably than those with declining grades. For reference, in the Class of 2021, the middle 50% of accepted students received SAT scores of 1460-1550 and ACT scores of 32-35. Extracurricular Activities & Leadership. UChicago students in particular are known for being independent thinkers who chart their own course rather than following the crowd. Your extracurricular and leadership activities should reflect your passion and uniqueness. Be on the lookout for ways to make lasting, deep, and meaningful contributions in your field and community. Character. UChicago is particularly well-known for valuing freedom of speech and individuality. As much as possible, use your essays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation to highlight how you demonstrate a unique, vivid personality that, among other things, strives to uphold personal freedoms. Contributions to Community. You will set yourself up for success by clearly articulating how you see yourself interacting with and enriching the school. Whether that’s conducting independent research, writing for an online student publication, or leading your intramural wiffle ball team to victory, help UChicago admissions officers understand how your interests connect to specific opportunities to contribute on campus. Demonstrate a voracious intellectual appetite. UChicago prides itself on academic prowess, so show you’re no slouch. To demonstrate your initiative, weave into your application any classes you’ve self-studied, research you’ve conducted, and reading you’ve done for pleasure. Write standout essays . UChicago looks for strong writing skills within its student pool, even amongst students who want to study STEM. UChicago will readily choose students with stronger admissions essays over students with better extracurricular profiles. Academic standards, however, are typically not relaxed for stronger essays. A good way to demonstrate your writing abilities is to get your writing published professionally in any field (even in something like a magazine). Embrace your uniqueness. The ideal UChicago applicant is a little quirky, as reflected in the school’s unorthodox application essay prompts. If you want to break the mold a little, this is definitely an institution that rewards creative essay structures as well as â€Å"nerding out† over your favorite topic. If you’re having trouble thinking of something unique to say, check out ’s post, What If I Don’t Have Anything Interesting to Write in My College Essay? Partner with a professional to find your voice and talents. All of this is much easier said than done. If you want to be competitive at a school like UChicago, no one-size-fits-all advice is going to get you there. Consider working closely with a mentor or your school’s guidance counselor to bring your admissions profile to the next level. UChicago is a long shot for just about everyone, so don’t worry if you receive a â€Å"no thank-you† at the end of the day. You can still go on to do great things. UChicago does not accept admissions appeals due to their long list of qualified applicants on the waitlist. We do not recommend petitioning your decision. Some students transfer into UChicago, but the transfer admissions rate is extremely low and requires a lot of extra work. However, students who maintain a strong academic and extracurricular profile will always have a shot. You can reapply after taking a gap year, but this path is riskier than simply committing to another school and requesting to take a gap year there. To see if a gap year is right for you, visit our posts, What Are the Pros of Taking a Gap Year? and What You Need To Know When Applying to Colleges After a Gap Year . If UChicago closes its doors to you, we recommend moving on. Northwestern University offers a similar undergraduate experience — both are universities in the greater Chicago area of similar size — and it has twice the admissions rate. Students who like UChicago’s focus on deep, independent thinking might check out St. John’s College in Maryland or Santa Fe, as well as Deep Springs College in California. For help adjusting to a different dream, read our post, Envisioning a New Future: Preparing for Life at Your Second-Choice (or Third, or Fourth) School . If you’d like more personalized advice on your admissions profile, offers Elite Universities Application Assistance , where you’ll be paired with a successful mentor at a top school who helps you along every step of the application process.

Global Warming Effects on Population Literature review

Global Warming Effects on Population - Literature review Example DeWeerdt gives a interesting international, almost post-colonial study of the effects of global warming. She divides her analysis into three distinct categories of areas that will impact human life the most signifincantly that are also the most vulnerable to climate change: Food, Disease and changes in sea level. It is somewhat superficially obvious that all of these things will be impacted by climate; sea levels will obviously rise as polar ice melts (DeWeerdt 2012), food production, which is obviously very climate dependent will have to shift, and disease will obviously increase with any serious shifts in population, as these often lead to unsanitary conditions.Her analysis is novel, however, in indicating the degree to which these changes will impact different parts of the world. DeWeerdt argues that development, which is usually meant in economic ways, can actually be considered a society’s degree of ability to adapt to climate changes (DeWeerdt, 2012). Places that have hi gh degrees of infrastructure, for instance, will be more able to cope with any of these changes. Firstly, they can establish things that directly mitigate the effects of climate: things like greenhouses to cope with cold weather or irrigation to cope with dryness. Secondly, they can use transportation infrastructure to cope with secondary effects of climate change as well, easily developing newly productive areas while abandoning areas that have become unproductive due to climate change. Undeveloped countries, however, will suffer more greatly: people cannot flee a newly formed desert, cannot build seawalls to hold back a rising tide, and so forth. Conceptualizing development as a society’s degree of ability to cope with climate allows one to see very clearly that the effects of climate change will disproportionately affect developing societies.Using DeWeerdt’s analysis indicates that one can actually conceptualize as climate change (including both its causes and effec ts) as a particular damaging form of pseudocolonial resource extraction. If one imagines a favorable climate as a resource, in that it provides a whole sleuth of production but can be depleted if not properly managed, then developed countries, which achieve their development largely through the highest use of fossil fuels (DeWeerdt 2012) are actually taking a valuable resource from developing countries every time they use fossil fuels. This is an especially damaging form of resource consumption because the people who get the resource depleted do not gain from the depletion, unlike mining, for instance, in which minerals can be sold. Climate can more be imagined as a river dammed outside of a country’s borders: they lose, and do not gain, while the other country gains but does not loose.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Software Process Models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Software Process Models - Essay Example The products are usually distributed through physical outlets in the market as well as through the Internet. Additionally, electronic outlets, product-line retailers, software partners and big technology retailers also serve consumers with the company’s goods. The company also boasts effective consultancy services relative to its products. The spiral methodology blends the design of prototyping with the structured, refined qualities of the waterfall methodology (Kan, 2003). The development of the spiral model is premised upon a refinement of the application on a bit-by-bit basis as the spiral grows. The methodology also clearly encompasses risk management measures within software engineering. The approach recognizes major risks at various stages of implementation such as the practical and supervisory aspects, and explores ways in which the risks can be reduced. These measures keep the software engineering work better and more controlled. The spiral methodology is premised on continuous polishing of the main products in order to ensure that the product meets the market standards including the system and design of the application as well as the code developed for use (GeambaÅŸu, Jianu, Jianu, & GavrilÄÆ', 2011). Notably, at each stage around the spiral, the software is an improvement of a prior product. The spiral mo del shares most development phases with the waterfall model, with the main differences involving planning, evaluation of risks, and the development of models and simulations. Software developed through this methodology solves the problem of haphazard production of documents, which otherwise would not reflect the important details at a given stage in the engineering process. Like the application they describe, the documents are representative of the all the key stages of development (Kan, 2003). The concept is to guarantee a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hobbes and Rousseau's Depiction of the state of nature and human Essay

Hobbes and Rousseau's Depiction of the state of nature and human nature - Essay Example The state ought to protect the lives of its citizens. The people who elected them into power should not live in fear of their lives. They should enjoy peace and stability. With these, the law of conservation of motion Hobbes tries to tell us that human beings are constantly looking for something in life. â€Å"Life itself is but Motion, and can never be without Desire† (129-130). What he is saying is that human beings are never satisfied; they always want more and more each moment ( Rousseau and. Their search for felicity is what causes human beings to be at war with each other. When death becomes a fear, there is creation of the state. Furthermore, Hobbes argues that human beings are equal in respect to the nature. They have equal skills and power. Moreover, according to Hobbes, human beings are by nature made equal, in a sense that the human’s possess are equal in terms of skills and power. â€Å"The weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination or confederacy with others† (Hobbes and Helena 183). According to Hobbes theory morality has no room because, in a state of nature there are no unjust acts. He goes ahead to say that human beings rational behavior causes them to attack others and make them obey the law of nature only when surrounded by others and sure that they are obeying the law too. By this he means that human beings are self-centered in nature and fear is what makes them to reason (Hobbes and Helena 5) In Rousseau’s state of nature, human beings are like savages, their dealings are first dogged by instant and basic requirements food, sexual satisfaction, and sleep and fear only hunger and pain. The force of self-preservation and pity drives the savage man. To him human beings are naturally affected by others’ human beings’ sufferance, in other words they have â€Å"an innate repugnance a fellow creature suffers†

Friday, July 26, 2019

Process based organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Process based organizations - Essay Example In an organization, process based structures are an important aspect of success because they offer a flexible way of working toward the goals. The most important benefit of process based structures is that the role of each process is well-defined; hence, the overall process becomes error-proof, nearly if not completely. It becomes important, at times, to define the division of process integrators when activities are transferred from one process to the other (Sugiharto, 2009, par.12). Other advantages of process based structures include speedy attainment of deadlines and goals, and the ability of the project to adapt to environment changes quite rapidly. Since there is less overhead structure, hence the overall cost is reduced. Process based structures are most needed when the business environment is unclear and frequently changing. However, although the organizational structure of process based organizations is completely different than that of functional organizations, still, the im portance of functional skills cannot be denied. Sugiharto, T. (2009). Process-based organizations: structure and integration. The Jakarta Post. Retrieved February 15, 2015, from

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Art Michelangelo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Art Michelangelo - Essay Example Sculpture and painting are both beautiful forms of expression that have enchanted the viewers for centuries. However both are different in the ways they are created by the artists and perceived by the viewers. Personally I prefer that both have equal merits and one should not be held above the other. Painting involves colors, light, shades which provides more meaning and life to the artist’s idea. As opposed to painting, sculpting is done on something much more substantial than a canvas and therefore it has a greater presence and feels much more real to the viewers. Also the sculptures are three dimensional which give them power and make them appear more realistic. Even though the lack of dimension is considered a demerit in painting, the effect is quite easily achieved by ‘relievo’ which can be done through adequate modeling and shaping. Both are equally expressive and it only depends on person

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Drug Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drug Addiction - Essay Example They crave for the drug so much that they can do anything they could to get a dose for them to relax. For those who are addicted they will continue taking the drugs even after realizing the harm it has on their body. (Amusable, 2008) The risk factors of drug addiction are common as for the other condition. Risk factors include family history of addiction where it is usually common on the families that had prior addiction before the current case. In addition, addiction of drug is dominant in males than female according to statistics. Stats show that the addiction in male is two folds compared with their counterparts. Peer pressure is also a contributing factor. This according to stats is seen mostly in the young people trying to fit in their social stratum. After the first introduction into drug abuse, the body develops a tolerance with time and eventually dependence. Drug addiction is a physiological process on its own. It is a physiologic process, because, it does not just happen at once but develops slowly and in sequential stages. Dopamine is the main hormone that is involved physiologically in the process of drug addiction. Drugs such as cocaine, morphine, and alcohol alter the pathway of dopamine. The first dose taken by an individual has no big effect. Additional drug abuse cause tolerance effect and soon the level of dopamine increase and consequently cause a feeling of being happy. Continuous administration of drugs also has a sensitization effect on the extracellular cells. So when an individual has reduced, or the dose reduce in the blood also the happiness causing hormone, dopamine, also goes down and the craving also start to go back to normal. The drugs taken tend to increase dopamine and when withdrawn the level of this dopamine dwindle and the cycle repeat itself. This cycle is what is known as drug addiction (Hanson, 2005). Will power to withdraw from drugs is most a time futile. The physiologic development of regulation effect

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Concert Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Concert Review - Essay Example lighting of the pews contrasted with the brightly lit stage thereby making every aspect of the performance at the concert visible to the various musical critics present at the concert. A number of artists performed various classics including Castle Valse Classique, Burritt variations, Prelude and Fugue in Bb Major, Rounders and the Jolly Caballero among many others. The percussion ensembles on stage on the night consisted of a variety of musical instruments including a tambourine, cymbals, triangle, bass drums and xylophone. The construction of the stage was systematic and fitted with adequate microphones to help enhance the audibility of the surround system in the halls. The xylophone was a major instrument that enhanced the presentation of the classic percussion theme as various artists took their turns at the magical instrument and produced a variety of unique and creative creations. The first piece performed at the concert was the legendary Castle Valse Classique, which took us on an adventurous journey through different emotions and sounds and so did several other pieces performed in the night event. The performers portrayed their musical genius as they began the piece as a classic before they transformed into a jazz-like beats and ending the performance in a high tempo with a beat that resembled beats in hip-hop. This raised the spirit of the fans thereby setting the stage for other equally talented performers. The performance compared and contrasted with the things we have done in Drum Circle. Key among the similarities was the rotational performance as the various artists played their respective instruments systematically yet alternately at particular durations thereby producing different sounds appropriately. In performing The Joy Caballero, four performers took to the stage with their various musical instruments, which included the xylophone and marimbas among many others. They played the instruments methodically thus producing a holistic musical

The Curriculum for todays fifteen to eighteen year olds Essay Example for Free

The Curriculum for todays fifteen to eighteen year olds Essay The curriculum in todays schools has survived relatively unchanged for many years. It was created in a completely different world, one where computers were not used and jobs for the uneducated were easy to find. The world has changed significantly since then, but should the education system? The job market is a competitive one, and an extra qualification can make all the difference. One qualification that is needed for nearly every position is that of Information and Communication Technology, in other words, computers. Computers are used for many purposes in nearly every company, for example, spreadsheets in finance, databases in stock keeping and desktop publishing in advertising. The skill needed to control the software and hardware is highly desirable, but the current curriculum in high schools does not reflect this. ICT was only introduced into the curriculum several years ago, and has been taught as a minor subject, comparable to the likes of Art and Music. Throughout high school, each school only has to complete one hour of ICT per week, although it can be taken optionally as a GCSE subject, or as a GNVQ. A large number do not opt for the latter options, which leaves them with a qualification equal to half a single GCSE. I do not believe that the curriculums compulsory ICT lessons are sufficient now that more and more jobs are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. I personally think that ICT provision should be increased to three hours a week, making it on level with the main academic subjects of English, Maths and Science. This will enable pupils to study a wider range of software, and complete more theory work, which is an aspect currently neglected. These extra skills will be beneficial in the workplace. I am aware that to cope with the extra number of ICT lessons, more computers would be needed, and spaces to put them, but even with this extra expenditure, the benefits of having a full ICT qualification would be well worth it. There are quite a few things that are needed in later life that are not taught in school. These include money management, communication skills, stress management and form writing. If these skills were taught in schools, it would make later life a little easier to cope with. Many people struggle to look after their money, especially if they stay in education at university. People also struggle to understand the workings of finance, so an education in money management would be beneficial to all pupils. Quite a few pupils in schools lack the confidence to speak to people they do not know, or fail to get their point across clearly during a conversation. A course in communication would help people to speak more confidently, and to express them more clearly. It could also contain advice on how to deal with a job interview effectively. It is often mentioned in the media that our lives have become more stressful, and that we need to learn how to manage it. During exams, further education and our working lives, stress inevitably builds up, and if lessons were taken in high school on how to relieve that stress, people would not suffer from stress-related illness in later life, which can only be a good thing. Another skill that could be taught in schools is how to fill in forms. During adulthood, there are many, many forms that need to be filled in, such as application forms, benefit forms and census forms. Many people find this task daunting and confusing; they can fill the wrong boxes in, or write the incorrect information. Lessons in this skill would be beneficial and helpful to the pupils in the future. GCSEs are compulsory. Each Year 11 pupil has to take them by law, even if they havent got a chance of passing any. In my opinion, those pupils in lower groups could drop their GCSE courses and study for other qualifications. This would not solely be the students decision; parents and teachers would need to be consulted and involve in the decision swell. They would not be able to however, drop the academic subjects completely. English, Maths, Science and ICT would still need to be taken, although not at GCSE level and with no exam or qualification. By dropping many subjects, they would be able to take a vocational l course and get a vocational qualification at the end of it, like an NVQ. This would give then the skills to easily find a job, as they would already be trained for it, whilst if they had stayed on their GCSE course, they would have probably ended up with no qualifications, and would be stuck in a poorly paid job, if they got one at all. The curriculum that young people are taught today is flawed and is inappropriate for many young people. I feel that ICT should be made a subject comparable with the likes of Maths and English, essential skills needed for later life, like stress management and money management should be taught to pupils and the less-able pupils should be allowed to drop out of GCSEs and pursue a vocational qualification. These changes to the current curriculum would bring it up to date and make it more relevant for the youngsters of today.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Donor Services Essay Example for Free

Donor Services Essay 1. What was Joanna Reeds diagnosis of the situation in the donor services department? Sam Wilson was an American who ran the Guatemala branch of a U.S. aid agency. Joanna Reeds diagnosis of the situation in his donor services department found many problems. LEADERSHIP The biggest problem was that there was no leader who was accountable. Elena was the supervisor but she had no control. She also had no leadership skills and did not get respect because she was not bilingual and of a different religion. The supposed leader, Jose, spent almost all his time in the community services department. He did not pay attention and left things up to Elena. INEFFICIENCY IN WORK The translators mostly did clerical work even though they were bilingual. The work in the office was divided into set tasks, one done by each person, and not divided evenly. Some workers had too much paperwork while the others had spare time. Those that had spare time did not help those loaded with work. There was also lack of training in English and in work, so quality was bad. The workers did not think about the job and used many extra steps and wasted time. TRACKING The data was not shared in the department, so people had little knowledge about their job. There were no statistics about time, requests for information, or responses. There was little communication, plus there was resentment of Elena by some. Jose did not hear about problems or about good results. MORALE The agency was run by a religion and Elena was not of that religion. However, everyone was proud of the agency and the religion. But morale was low because the workers did not use or improve their skills and had only a set and boring role to do. They are frustrated with the department. GROUP DYNAMICS One translator Magdalena had experience, college education, and maturity. She had strong belief in the agency and was more professional. Three translators socialized mostly, and their leader Juana was outgoing with good oral English. Other translators had too much work. Everyones English was only fair. Supervisor Elena was left out. Elena was treated like just a watchdog. Boss Jose was not around much and paid no attention. 2. What should she recommend to Sam Wilson? (HOW) Joanna might have made these suggestions: LEADERSHIP Magdalena might be a good supervisor instead of Elena. Magdalena had experience, education, belief in the agency, maturity, and professionalism. Magdalena could keep herself from making others dislike her by keeping a distance away from them. She could also have got respect. Juana could be given more leadership roles, to use her humor and outgoingness. Elena could do a job that required the hardest work. Jose could spend all his time in the community services department. INEFFICIENCY IN WORK The working strategy was changed to divide all the work more evenly, so all workers did all jobs. They could be less bored and learn more through such training. They could work in a team environment, rather than be selfish for themselves. Joannas identified unnecessary steps, which caused the system to be slow; could be changed to a better workflow. The workers could be asked to think more about improvements. The workers could be trained more in translating, perhaps they could translate easy documents or parts of documents. Socializing could be minimized to break times. TRACKING Statistics about time, requests for information, or responses could be kept and shared with all workers. Communication about problems or about good results would be increased through meetings, talks with leaders, and newsletters. MORALE All workers could know all jobs and be given a minimum of boring work, while improving skills. The religion should be emphasized along with service to others. The department could link with community services more. Communication should be encouraged. Togetherness as a team with an important purpose whould be emphasized. GROUP DYNAMICS The leader should be respected because of English languge ability and leadership skills and be of the right religion. Theleader should also be around all the time. The secondary leader should be a team worker and skillful in communication. The workers should respect each other and work as a team. All persons should have clear authority and responsibility. The workload should be fair. REWARDS Joanna could recommend rewards to change both the workers and the managers behavior. They could get a bonus for achieving goals. They could get awards for service and efficiency. They could have a chance to go to higher positions in the agency. Perhaps they could visit the U.S.!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Arguments of Political Representation in the US

Arguments of Political Representation in the US â€Å"The vile state governments are sources of pollution which will contaminate the American name for ages†¦. Smite them,† Henry Knox urged Rufus King sitting in the Philadelphia Convention, â€Å"smite them, in the name of God and the people.†[1] The jostling of various interest groups, the self promoting ambitions of lawmaking, the persistent adhering to popular demands, these â€Å"excesses of democracy†[2] instigated the meeting at Annapolis, and consequently the convening of delegates in Philadelphia. It could be reasonably argued that the limitations of the Articles of Confederation in yielding Congress the power to raise revenue, to regulate trade, to pay of its debts, and to act successfully in international affairs was the primary reasoning for convening. But, there was more to it than the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. It was the unwillingness of the legislatures to do â€Å"justice,† and this matter of justice said Washington, is the origin of the evils we now feel.†[3] According to Madison, the matter of justice â€Å"contributed more to that uneasiness which produced the convention and prepared the public mind for general reform than those which occurred to our national character and interest from the inadequacy of the Confederation to its immediate object.†[4] It was this matter of â€Å"justice† that facilitated the uneasiness which generated the convention and organized the public for change more than the inadequacy of the Articles of Confederation. The convention brought together men whose discussions put in place an establishment of an unusually influential remote national government the like of which was never seen before. It began with the conception of a classical tradition of civic humanism and its patrician code of disinterested public leadership a complete turnaround from the popular individualistic and acquisitive era of the early 1780s. Ideally, arguments about justice between democratic legislators such as Findley who were considered by the likes of Madison as â€Å"men of factious tempers† and â€Å"of local prejudices† and â€Å"advocates and parties to the causes which they determine,†[5] that dominated the convention at Philadelphia and consequently the creation of the constitution. Eventually, what prevailed was disinterested patriotism and as the debates continued the arguments were written down as a basic deed that defined and restrict government. The constitution was not to become part of government,[6] but separate and higher to all actions of government and a precursor of government. This constitution became the pronouncement of the people themselves.[7] Their arguments were their experiences the resistance between supremacy and liberty and the interference of imperial sanctions they had defended against. Therefore, they argued against â€Å"corruption† that system they had observed of the British a system where ministers of the Crown are at the same time members of Parliament. The linkage David Hume called â€Å"influence† which they determinedly destroyed in 1776.[8] They argued vehemently against â€Å"virtual† representation; the British idea that the process of election was secondary to representation and therefore taxation without representation is justified. They were aware that it was this challenge that ushered in their revolution. They were cognizant at the convention that if citizens were to be correctly represented in a legislature â€Å"not only did the people have to vote directly for the members of the legislature, but they also had to be represented by members whose numbers were proportionate to the size of the population they spoke for.†[9] They were unrelenting on the idea that actual representation made the practice of election not secondary but indispensable to representation and that chosen representatives â€Å"not only had to be for the people they also had to be of the people.[10] Implicit in the idea also was the belief an underlying thought that no politician no matter the number of votes they attained could completely represent the citizens. Therefore, citizens could be represented in diverse ways and in varieties of organizations.[11] The debate was unrelenting in asserting that sovereignty stayed with the people themselves. The people, they insisted must never disappear by the process of representation which meant â€Å"all public officials became delegated and mistrusted agents of the people, temporarily holding bits and pieces of the people’s power out so to speak on always recallable loan.†[12] This accepted wisdom of thinking of people in this amazing way endured at the convention and founders were able to formulate federalism, the extraordinary sharing of power between central and local governments that establish two governing bodies ruling over the same terrain, the Congress and the separate legislatures. They were firm on the concept of sovereignty so much so that a suggestion for an inclusion of a Bill of Rights,[13] was unanimously turned down by delegates. A conviction that unlike England where the King’s privilege was sacrosanct, in America all power existed in the people who with their ballots apportioned fragments of it to their representatives, therefore, the Bill of Rights was unnecessary. What made these arguments sustainable was that it was written down. What made it exceptional in the history of mankind, it [the deed] was placed before the people for ratification and as each state constitutional convention ratified the deed the people themselves became the actual power. The consent of the people made the constitution a primary law invulnerable from legislative infringement. It gave judges the ability to oblige limits on what Congress enacts as law and hence a precursor of Judicial reviews.[14] Thus, the radicalism of the founders infused with Lockean beliefs ushered in a new republic. A government derived from the people. This logic of republican equality brought ordinary people into the political process and restricted the prospect of preferment[15] in public life. These ideologies that gave birth to a nation have traversed many roads and has sustained. Very many writers have investigated the idea that sustained America and reached different conclusions. Lakoff though takes a new approach. He looks at America from the background of a family. He suggested a family has two types of orientation, the Strict Father Orientation and Nurturent Parent orientation. The application of each, he relates to two ideologies; conservatism and Liberalism. With these two models he created two world views. He posits that it is through the morals of this two world views America operates politically, socially and policy wise. In essence he sees the nation metaphorically as a family. He believes that political and moral ideas develop systematic ways from our models of ideal families. He claimed that our political system is governed by two world views, the strict father and the nurturant parent. Both internalized by constituents in terms of metaphorical concepts and as a consequence two ideologies, conservatism and liberalism. Linking morality to politics he posited that the language of framing is what set the two ideologies apart. That is, essentially, it is not what you say, but how you say it. [1] Knox quoted in William Winslow Crosskey and William Jeffery Jr., Politics and the Constitution in the History of the United States (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980), III, 420, 421. [2] Benjamin Rush to Jeremy Belknap, May 6, 1788 in Butterfield, ed., Letters of Rush, I, 461; Elbridge Gerry, in Max Farrand, ed., The Records of the Federal Convention of 1778 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1911, rev. ed., 1937), I, 48. [3] George Washington to John Jay, May 18, 1776, in Fitzpatrick, ed., Writings of Washington, XVIII, 432. [4] James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, October 24, 1788, in Boyd et al., eds., Papers of Jefferson, XII, 276. [5] Cooke, ed., The Federalist No. 10; [William Findley], A Review of the Revenue System Adopted at the First Congress under the Federal Constitution†¦ (Philadelphia: Bailey, 1794), 117. [6] Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man [7] James Wilson, Wilson’s declaration at the Philadelphia Convention of 1787. [8] United States Constitution, Article 1, Secti.on 6, Clause 2 [9] Gordon S. Wood, The Idea of America: Reflections on the Birth of the United States (New York: Penguin Books, 2012)., p. 182. [10] Ibid., p. 183. [11] Ibid., p. 183. [12] Ibid., p. 184. [13] George Mason withheld his signature to the constitution on account of this. [14] James Iredell, Calder v. Bull, 3 U.S. (Dall.) 386, 1 L. Ed. 648 (1798) which became the Principle of Judicial Review. [15] Clifford K. Shipton, â€Å"Jonathan Trumbull,† in Sibley’s Harvard Graduates: Biographies of Those Who Attended Harvard College (Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 1951), 8: 269.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Stillness Seeking :: Personal Narrative Photographer Essays

Stillness Seeking Onto the terracotta patio I step silently Past lavender climbing twisting vines The honey drops sunlight sprinkled Golden My mother a paintbrush in her hand She touches color to canvas Soft yellow orange, light Emerges My father beyond resting seated A cat slumbers purrs on his shoulder A pen in his hand he touches white page Reflects light reflects Together Creating When I saw Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring about five years ago at the National Gallery in Washington, D.C., I felt something about the painting that I had never felt before when looking at artwork. I felt as if this girl, this young woman in the painting was real, hiding in the museum behind this canvas. She was in the flesh. Her skin was still dewy from three hundred-something years ago, the light across her face still glowing. She was in the round, her eyes followed mine, she was real. She was about to speak, she was in a moment of thought, she was in reflection. This girl was not crimson red or titanium white, she was flesh. Vermeer caught her, a butterfly in his hand. She was not just recorded on canvas, she was created on canvas. She was caught in a moment of stillness. Vermeer creates moments in his paintings. When viewing them, we step into a private, intimate setting, a story. Always, everything is quiet and calm. I realize now it is no wonder I had such a strong reactio n to Vermeer the first time I saw him: he is a stillness seeker. This morning I wake early from the light that creeps underneath my blinds and my bed next to the window. I wake floating on the streams of light, heated, like white wax spilled across the floor, dripping, soft. In bare feet I walk down the stairs, cold on the wood, and find my father in the kitchen, also awake early. Together, we leave the house, the house that my parents built with windows like walls, windows that show the water on either side of the island. We close the door quietly so as not to wake the sleepers. We walk down the pine-needle path, through the arch of trees, the steep wooden steps to the dock nestled in the sea-weed covered rocks. We sit silently on the bench, watch as the fog evaporates from the clear water. The trees and water are a painting in muted colors, silver and grays and greenish blue, hazy white above the trees.

Life Behind the Veil in Du Bois The Souls of Black Folk Essay

Life Behind the Veil in Du Bois' The Souls of Black Folk Du Bois' metaphor of double consciousness and his theory of the Veil are the most inclusive explanation of the ever-present plight of modern African Americans ever produced. In his nineteenth century work, The Souls of Black Folks, Du Bois describes double consciousness as a "peculiar sensation. . . the sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity" (Du Bois, 3). According to Du Bois assertions, the Black American exists in a consistent "twoness, - an American, a Negro"(3). Further, he theorizes, the African American lives shut behind a veil, viewing from within and without it. He is privy to white America's perspective of him, yet he cannot reveal his true self. He is, in fact, protected and harmed by The Veil. Nearly a century later, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., himself a Harvard scholar, addresses the anomaly of the Afro-American as he has existed for the past two centuries; that the Black American's greatest obstacle is the lack of self determination. The inability to define oneself will undoubtedly lead to an unhealthy dependence upon the definition of a biased party that will apply an erroneous definition. Gates states that "the Afro American's attempt to gain self-consciousness in a racist society will always be impaired by the fact that any reflected image that he or she seeks in the gaze of white Americans is refracted through 'the dark veil-mirror of existence'..."(Du Bois, xx). Since 1945, in what is defined by literary scholars as the Contemporary Period, it appears that the "refracted public image"(xx) whites hold of blacks continues to necessitate ... existing trapped within the view of hegemonic society; angry, but powerless so long as he remains in this state. Yet Sanchez provides a succinct plan for Black Americans in their quest to ascend the Veil: to exist as both African and American while feeding white America a pacifying view of a half truth-destruction fueled by deadly ignorance. The speakers of the poems are merely victims of the same system, seeking the same freedom. While the works of these authors differ greatly, one characteristic is common in both works: The desire for power to ascend the Veil that hangs heavily upon them like a cloak that prevents their ascension. The desire to live beyond the Veil. Works Cited Du Bois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk. New York: Bantam, 1989 Lauter, Paul, ed. The Heeath Anthology of American Literature: Volume Two. New York: Houghton Mifflin Inc., 1996

Friday, July 19, 2019

Age Discrimination in Employment Essay -- Public Policy

There has always been some â€Å"ism† that social movements have fought against throughout America’s history, and the issue of â€Å"ageism† was finally addressed in The Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Ageism can be defined as prejudiced beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors pertaining to older adults. To understand the ADEA fully, a brief history of age discrimination is useful to comprehend the Structural Level of this bill. Discrimination based on age was not a large issue until the beginning of the 20th century, mainly because it was a tacit form of discrimination. For the most part, people worked until they were at an age where they did not feel useful, and for the rest of their lives their families would take care of them. Industrialization brought in a new era which introduced unions, and new guidelines were created as to how long someone should stay in a position. Over time, age discrimination became an integrated feature of the modern industrial economy; ageism was even associated with the progress of American capitalism. The issue of age based discrimination received some attention in the early part of the 20th Century, but was not recognized as a social problem until around World War II. The wartime economy considerably increased the demand for labor, and the number of men aged 65 and older in the workforce jumped by 75% (U.S. Census, 1975). The increased need for workers helped merge women into the workplace, and proved that older adults were proficient and agreeable to modern employment. Policy makers became concerned about the presence and pervasiveness of age centered discrimination because of the large amount of older workers employed at this time in history which made the problem more obvious. The United States emerged... ...tion in Employment Act and the Vocational Rehabilitation Act: A Proposed Consolidation." Labor Law Journal 31.1 (1980): 13-26. Print. Mitchell, Charles. "Retaliation Lawsuits Held Applicable For Federal Employees under The Age Discrimination In Employment Act: A Victory For Older Federal Workers The Supreme Court's Decision In Gomez-Perez V. Potter, Postmaster General." Review of Public Personnel Administration 29.1 (2009): 89-94. Print. Rothenberg, Jessica, and Gardner, Daniel. "Protecting Older Workers: The Failure Of The Age Discrimination In Employment Act Of 1967." Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare 38.1 2011: 9-30. Print. Werner, Herbert D., and Martha W. Dewhurst. "The Age Discrimination In Employment Act Amendments Of 1978 And Their Effect On Collective Bargaining." Labor Law Journal 30.8 (1979): 477-482. Business Source Premier. Web. 1 Nov. 2011.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Short Essay About Cancer

Short Essay on Cancer Cancer is defined as the unwanted growth of cells in any part of the body. There are various reasons that lead to development of cancerous growths in the body. There can be various reasons that lead to cancerous growths in the body. Genetic predisposition and environmental factors together play an important role. Genetic constitution of the body is something that cannot be dealt with. But controlling the external environmental factors is in one’s hands.Active or passive smoking is one of the biggest causes that results in development of various cancers in the body. In a health study it has been evidently shown that about 30% of the deaths due to lung cancers were those of who either smoke actively or are exposed to passive smoking. This data is proof enough to describe the serious complications of smoking. Besides, it is not just the lung tissue that is affected by smoking. Carcinoma of oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, kidney, pancreas and other systemic org ans of he body are evident. More than 6000 substances are released during smoking. Out of which 70 chemicals are known to act as carcinogens. These chemicals settle down in the lining of air ways and adversely affect the basic unit of respiration- the alveoli. Tobacco which is the main ingredient of smoking also leads to carcinoma of the oral cavity. The internal mucosa is severely damaged and continuous exposure leads to irreparable damage. A smoker is four times at a higher risk of developing mouth cancer as compared to non- smoker.The commonly affected areas are beneath the tongue and lips in the oral cavity. The vital organs of the body like liver, kidney, pancreas, colon and rectum also develop the risk of development of carcinomatous growth. Women who smoke also suffer a chance of developing breast cancer besides the above stated types. Higher incidences of cervical cancer have been noticed in women who smoke. According to researchers, 1 out 5 heavy smokers will die of lung ca ncer. The ratio for moderate smokers declines to 1 in 10 persons.Another alarming case is that among all the lung cancer patients only 0. 5% persons are non-smokers. The rest of the cases had a history of smoking. Lung cancer is one of the commonest types of cancer that lead to death in maximum number of patients throughout the world. In the advanced stage of disease other distant organs of the body are also affected and result in severe complications. Eventually the whole physiological system of the body collapses. Besides cancer smoking leads to various other grave medical diseases. Affecting the functioning of heart, viz.Coronary thrombosis; affecting the eye sight and predisposition to cataracts and macular degeneration and eventually vision loss; and brain in cases like cerebral thrombosis; smoking poses a threat to the whole physiological system of the body. Quitting smoking dramatically improvises the medical health of the individual. Though, the risk of developing cancer is higher than those persons who have never smoked. But by following an active life and eating healthy food and above all abstaining from smoking, one can substantially lower down his/ her chances of developing cancer.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Introduction to Dissertation Essay

1.0 establishment1.1 backdrop to the botherThe un arrest task is ranked as a major let go of among students of secondary educates in Mauritius. In fact, this problem is prevailing not only in Mauritius just in any good example across the numerous nations around the world. According to the Longman contemporary dictionary, un classify refers to a lack of control in the behaviour of a group of people, with the core that they be f any in badly. It occurs when students breach the rules and regulations of the schoolingroom or school. Such disruptive doings is not only a line to schools and teachers unless also the p arnts and most importantly to the students, whose future is at stake. Misconduct in the classroom interferes with teaching and learning. It can finally lead to school dropout and similar negatively charged social outcomes. scholars behavioral problems ar also thought to be a jumper lead contributor to teachers and p atomic number 18nts stress and attritio n. Serious breaches of school discipline policy can have profound negative effects on teachers.1.2 Significance of chew overSee much how to start an essay about yourself for collegeSince discipline plays a crucial fictitious character in school organisation, it is all the to a greater extent important to assess the measures taken to upholding it. Continuing to main(prenominal)tain the present measures blindly without ascertaining oneself if they ar very alleviating the problem is equivalent to losing money, time or, worse, deteriorating the modern situation. The teach ordain jockstrap in not only finding if the measures are good or wrong but also to what extent the measures cosmos pick out are in force(p) or not. Since students are not the only ones cosmos stirred by the problem, the study will help us get to know students acquaintance of the measures utilise to tackle undiscipline but also perception of teachers themselves. It will deem both digressies the chan ce to equally submit themselves.By being able to generalise each group, it will be potential to introduce and suggest different measures which could engage a better stir, or adapting subsisting ones to be more productive. Student undiscipline is not change magnitude at canonise Bartholomews college. We have reached to a site of saturation and it is almost impossible to mould the students to the chasten track. They are out of control and think that the system and teachers are against them. Indiscipline has led to small-scale education level at St Bartholomews college, the percentage was below 50 % in 2007 only 47 %. The main causes of indiscipline need to be identified so that the college can look for better measures.1.2 Aims of guideThe lease of this research is to investigate the impact of present measures used in relations with student indiscipline at venerate Bartholomews College. Student indiscipline has been tainting this colleges reputation. Students are ill- mannered, and this badly influences their future role in their social and professional life. Therefore, it is racy time to proactively make sure that the right actions are being taken to decrease, or ideally deplete, student indiscipline. This study has for aim to assess the existing measures in transaction with student indiscipline at angel Bartholomews college whether they meeting, and if they are to what extent they are meeting, the expectations. And to observe its impact whether it is positive or not.1.3 Objectives of StudyThe main objectives of the study are Finding out if indiscipline is change magnitude scorn the existing measures Analysing factors resulting in indisciplineInvestigating on the existing methods at Saint Bartholomews College Knowing if indiscipline will keep on suppurationKnowing new methods can be introduced to ameliorate the situation1.5 Problem of avowalPedagogues have been trying to implement measures to eradicate indiscipline in schools. In fact, al l the stakeholders (teaching staff, Ministry of Education) work in unison to allay the problem. Methods such as having CCTV installed within the school compound to keep an eye on students or SMS Alert to parents in case of Lateness or absenteeism are not decreasing indiscipline. Living in a society, transform by technological progress and influenced by Media, Mauritian Youth has gone beyond control they are living in their own world, forgetting that Mauritian society is console tied to old traditions and cultures. Students are rebelling against rules and regulations of their institutions. Student Indiscipline has been a major problem at Saint Bartholomews college, demeanor Louis. It keeps on increasing.According to Premita Leelachand from Defi Media, the college accepts all students who try on admission, even school drop-outs who either failed or were removed by their previous institutions out-of-pocket to bad behaviour. In fact, St Bartholomews is regarded as the last resort f or students who are considered hopeless. This is the main reason why the percentage of indiscipline in high at the personal aided college. Students already have discipline problems and still show no signs of see towards their teachers and express no interest in education. Traditional punishments such as penning in journals or detention hours do not seem to scare them anymore. creation punished has become a venerate for them and it increases their respect among other students. This is why on that point is a need to check whether the measures being presently taken are effective or not.1.6 look into questionsThe research questions will be as followsWhat are the methods being used?Why is indiscipline on an increase since the last years?What do students and teachers think about indiscipline and the measures take? What can be done to remedy student discipline and making the deterring measures more effective?1.7 AssumptionsIndiscipline is increasing despite various measures introdu ced by the Ministry of Education and the college itself, for example, the rede unit at the college.1.8 Format of StudyThe Study will be separate into 5 main sectionsChapter 1 IntroductionThis part of the study accomplishs an overview of the topic and prepares the proofreader for the next chapters. It analyses the background of the problem, gives its importance and aims and objectives of the study as well.Chapter 2 Literature freshen upLiterature review will give a deeper overview of the problems of indiscipline in Mauritius and pass measures adopted to deal with these problems.Chapter 3 Research MethodologyIn this section, the interview initialize to quantify the problem will be discussed.Chapter 4 Discussion of Findings and Analysis of entropyStatistical tools will be used to extract the pertinent information from the selective information collected. These statistical approaches are discussed in this part of the research and the conclusions inferred from the analysis will b e discussed.Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations1.9 ConclusionThis was the firstly chapter of the study. It had for aim to prepare the reader for hike up chapters of the study and to understand the topic and the real(a) issue, that is, impact of measures dealing with student indiscipline at Saint Bartholomews College, clearly.

Culture and Disease Essay

Malaria is one of the ailments that atomic physical body 18 responsible for the highest d go throughh rate and morbidity rates in Africa especially among electric razorren ( being Bank, 2009). In fact, it is one of the bulkyest public health concerns in Africa and most of the health programs ar aimed at ginmill and interference of the indisposition (World Bank, 2009). This complaint is common among Afri fundaments compa rosy to opposite ethnic groups receivable to economical, cultural, economic and social agentive roles. In a bid to debate this scourge, Africans hit been victimisation several(prenominal) methods to entertain the extend of malaria and the methods have include twain the modern and conventional approaches.Malaria is an infectious disease which is usually caused by a parasite that is cognise as plasmodium. These parasites are protozoan in record and they are of several species which include malaria parasite falciparum, Plasmodium malariae, Plas modium ovale, and Plasmodium vivax (Sherman, 1998). Among these species, the most serious and smugg take species to humankind organisms is P. falciparum. The plasmodium is transmitted to humans by the female anopheles mosquitoes and its lifecycle involves two hosts which are the human host and a mosquito vector (Sherman, 1998).In the lifecycle of the plasmodium it chance variables sporozoites which are embed in the gut of the female mosquito (Russel & Wolfe, 2008). The female mosquito transmits the sporozoites to human beings through a stinging. These sporozoites trigger into the human liver where they enter the liver cells and full-blown into a schizont which contains numerous merozoites (Russel & Wolfe, 2008). These merozoites are released into bloodstream where they overrun the someonenel casualty cells thereby anatomying schizonts with numerous merozoites. These are released from the red blood cells into bloodstream where they invade more red cells.As the red cells a re bursting to release the merozoites, harmful compounds are released which causes the fever and the clinical symptoms that are associated with malaria (Russel & Wolfe, 2008). In the bloodstream, some of the merozoites differentiate into the male and female gametes which are taken up by the mosquito from the infected soul and these two fertilize each other in the gut of the mosquito and they develop into sporozoites (Russel & Wolfe, 2008). These are transmitted to other human being through a bite by the mosquito.though the principal mode of malaria transmitting is by mosquito bites, there are other methods that can transmit the malarial parasite. hotshot of these is blood transfusion side by side(p) existence of dormant plasmodium parasites in the donors blood. This can set the transfused person to suffer from a febrile illness and for these reasons in cranial orbits where malaria is endemic a full course of chloroquine is administered to likely recipients of blood (Kakki laya, 2006). Another mode of infection system is transmission from mother to child among pregnant women.These parasites pass to the child through the placenta especially if the mother has no freedom (Kakkilaya, 2006). The last mode of transmission is through provoke stick injury which can be either accidental as happens among healthcare providers or well-educated as happens among drug addicts who share needles (Kakkilaya, 2006). on that point are several factors that make Africans susceptible to malaria and one of these are the environmental factors which contri thate to spread of the disease. To begin with, malaria is a climate related disease where it is mostly found in the tropic and subtropic regions.The climate in Africa particularly the annual mean temperature is mostly inwardly the tolerance limit of the plasmodium species and this makes the parasite to fly high thus rendering the commonwealths living in this area vulnerable (Leary, 2008). Another environmental fa ctor is last disturbances in Africa which influences the facts of life sites of the vectors thereby change magnitude the transmission potential of malaria (Leary, 2008). These weather disturbances occur in the form of prolonged droughts and heavy rains. thither are several social and cultural factors that make Africans vulnerable to malaria disease.One of these is increase human population in Africa and this has led to swamp reclamation and deforestation in a bid to find more land for settlement. The movement of these activities has been the creation of puddles which provides commodity breeding sites for the mosquitoes which in revoke transmit malaria (Leary, 2008). When the vegetation is removed, what happens is that the temperatures increase and this aids in malaria transmission. Another factor is self medication where numerous battalion in Africa buy drugs over the takings and treat themselves at home (Leary, 2008).This has led to growth of drug resistant strains of pla smodium necessitating continuous commutation of anti-malarial drugs. This has made the populations in Africa susceptible to the disease since sooner of dealing with the problem the populations create more problems by creating drug resistant strains of plasmodium. In addition, many quite a shortsighted treat themselves with anti-malarial drugs that have already been ruled as in effective thereby putting themselves at risk of infection of developing serious and complicated malaria (Leary, 2008).Another factor is lack of knowledge on the disease among both the communities and the public health officials. A study through in 2004 showed that in East Africa people are required by the Public Health carry to clear the bushes around their houses as a mode of keep oning the spread of yellow fever yet studies have shown that clearing of bushes creates favorable breeding conditions for malaria (Leary, 2008). This increases the picture of Africans to malaria disease since effective meas ures are not taken to prevent spread of malaria.Economic factors alike increase the vulnerability of Africans to malaria. Poverty levels in Africa are high which convey that there are inadequate economic resources to position in healthcare thereby making people vulnerable to malaria epidemics. Most of the populations here live on a lower floor a dollar a day and similarly cases of viands shortages are very common which makes obtaining food rather than malaria measure a priority (Leary, 2008). These economic hardships also make it difficult for populations to seek good enough healthcare services.Most just go to the head-to-head clinics or to the local anesthetic dispensaries most of which have no equipment for diagnosis thus resulting in inappropriate prescriptions (Leary, 2008). In addition, some of the medical staff found in these healthcare facilities are not qualified. The reason as to why most of the people prefer the local dispensaries is cost constraints where they cann ot afford motorized direct and thus prefer to use cheap means of transport such(prenominal) as bicycles (Leary, 2008). Myths and cultural notions also make Africans vulnerable to malaria.This is particularly with regard to the cause and prevention of malaria. Some people hope that malaria is caused by witchery or supernatural forces and a good spokesperson is Uganda where the populations here associate convulsions which are a form of malarial complication with supernatural forces (Leary, 2008). This really makes the populations vulnerable to malaria since they cannot take measures to prevent malaria. In addition, due to such beliefs, people who have malaria are not tempered with conventional care for which is more effective but are treated development traditional medicine which is not that effective.This makes the populations susceptible to malaria epidemics since the problem is not being addressed thereby ensuring the spread of the disease and increasing mortality rates. Oth er people associate malaria with sealed foods and a good example is populations in Tanzania who believe that malaria is due to consumption of maize meal (Leary, 2008). This belief results from the fact that maize meals in Tanzania are ordinarily consumed in times of food shortages which occur following too much or too little rainfall (Leary, 2008). These climatic conditions are also associated with increased cases of malaria.However, the populations associate malaria with the food they commonly eat at that time and therefore they do not eat maize meals as a right smart of struggle malaria (Leary, 2008). This only serves to make them more vulnerable to malaria. There are several methods that are used to control the spread of malaria. Some of these methods are aimed at threatening exposure to infectious mosquito bites and these include indoor dot using insecticides, use of bed nets that are insecticide treated, and use of churn uplants (Falola & Heaton, 2007).Insecticides are used to reduce the number of adult mosquitoes while materials such as repellants repel mosquitoes away from an individual thereby curbing the spread of the disease. Another method involves treatment of the disease using drugs. Though drug resistance has been a great problem in fighting malaria, drugs have be to be effective in suppressing the parasite within the host thus preventing further spread of the disease (Falola & Heaton, 2007). Other treatment methods involve interfering with the breeding sites of mosquitoes and these include draining of stagnant water and sprinkle of breeding sites with insecticides.Apart from these methods of preventing the spread of malaria, the African population has its alternative methods of dealing with malaria. One of these involves use of traditional medicine. Traditional healers in Africa diagnose and treat malaria using indigenous roots, herbs, and leaves which are usually prepared and taken orally (Maslove et al. , 2009). This acts as a barri er to the fight against malaria since their diagnosis is based merely on symptoms and not diagnostic evidence which may lead to untoward treatment thus further spread of malaria due to delayed treatment (Maslove et al., 2009). Traditionally, Africans have relied on good sanitation practices such as proper governing body of garbage and draining of swamps as a way of preventing malaria and up to date their method remains effective and aids the fight against malaria (Falola & Heaton, 2007). However, this approach ignores mosquitoes as the vectors affect in the spread of malaria thereby hampering the fight against malaria (Falola & Heaton, 2007). Though Africans have taken steps to address malaria, a lot still remains to be done.There is a great need for education on the causes of malaria as by understanding the causes of malaria preventive and treatment strategies can be effectively implemented. There is also the need to educate the African traditional healers on malaria so that the y can use better approaches in the treatment of malaria. References Falola, T. & Heaton, M. M. (2007). HIV/AIDS, illness and African well-being. current York, NY Rochester Press. Kakkilaya, B. S. (2006). Transmission of malaria. Retrieved 23 August, 2010 from http//www. malariasite. com/malaria/Transmission. htm Leary, N. (2008).Climate change and vulnerability. the States Earthscan. Maslove et al. (2009). Barriers to the effective treatment and prevention of malaria in Africa A systematic review of qualitative studies. BMC International human beings Rights, 9(29), 2321- 2337. Russel, P. J. & Wolfe, S. L. (2008). Biology mint 2 The dynamic science, volume 2. Belmont, CA Thomson Publishers. Sherman, I. W. (1998). Malaria Parasite biology, pathogenesis, and protection. Washington, DC ASM Press. World bank. (2009). step up the fight against malaria The world banks virtuoso program for malaria control in Africa. Washington, DC World Bank.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Case study of CVS

jibe to the filed dissemble results set about by pounds per squargon inch team, we jazz that nigh iodineness in quaternion scripts see a enigma at slightly mformer(a) deal in fulfillment branch. As we every bulk, the fulfillment do die is spliticular for the assign of the clients pauperism into reality. An in cost- high-octane flo succeedg would ply to a ridiculous dosestore operate which would set ab erupt the new-fashioned-fangled client. Its surely veritable that a make founder fulfillment physical process could hamper 60%-90% of the client desertion that were overdue to dish.We k forthwith keep up up with solutions to deal with the riddles now cost in the CVS fulfillment process. progress would never exit until changes are do. On the one hand, CVS should initiation a much efficient prey blabber to subvert the immanent risks and inefficiency during the process. A proper(a) full point lambast should rein with the ab breviation of the brisk process empowerment in CVS and find out the store bedevil intercourse in the process. On the former(a) hand, from the case, we choose it off that a round of capers could exit in the element of entropy entry.For example, clients deliver the ethical drug(prenominal) and before unyielding release the chemists, tho the ethical drug whitethorn line up in without drugs or the hire pass on non cover by their insurance. When they come masking to make clean drugs, they would be enforce cypher more than thanover dissatisfied. If things go on standardized this, customer rejoicing and customer inscription resultinging inescapably be established . In ensnare to come down the defections in this part, changes should be made . CVS drugstore should nominate a encyclopedic selective breeding agreement. The IT frame should ca usage plenty function to bridge over the operation.The refer gouge upload the ethical drug later diagnosing, and so the tech of pharmacy dis cultivate gybe the prescription online and excite the stay hold up. For the problem of no fill up allowed, the IT face which contains prescription focal point by selecting the ain information of the diligent in history. For the problem of DUR unexpressed Stop, IT at CVS should switch off down the date for drug review. Since the accident of un same(p) drug to drug fundamental interaction stomach the antithetical age, IT governance should have the superpower to accepted the ut unspoiled more or less prison term for major drug interaction which would perfectly repair the efficiency.Also the customers tolerate login the placement to click whether their prescription has been sinless to see when they go to seclude the drugs. laterwards the above melioratement, the nigh in all likelihood part to have problems is the pip at the pick-me-up window at bloom of youth terminus. When customers came later work to pick up the prescriptions, almost locations gear up it vexed to stave this period period scarcely be character pharmacy employees did non involve to work then. To do by this problem, we obtain that we piece of ass develop slightly self-dispensary works, just like ATM, so that the customers foundation take their prescriptions on the machine by themselves.Beca employment of the establishment of the IT dodge, at that place forget non be wooden boxes in practise. If the system excogitation is overly complex, pile will go through it is more efficient to use the airplane pilot method. The results may cause the visitation of the changes. In enounce to hamper backsliding, the system essential be clean to use so that some(prenominal) customers and staffs open fire use it conveniently. pharmacy redevelopment orifice arouse enceintely raise the customers lam speed, fulfill time, improve efficiency. nought could be better than that to be mo re fetching to consumers.Faster pickup-rate than other pharmacies passel allow CVS win more customers, growth customer loyalty, and earn new customers patronizing. at a time most large number plain about taking drugs,which is not sole(prenominal) blow long time to get hold except as well having confused steps. If we ignore solve this problem, it will be a milestone of pharmaceutical service industry. This is a great hazard for CVS companies to cast up their merchandise share, to conquer the competitor, and to start out a attraction in pharmacy.The sparing benefits it brings to CVS is self-evident. Has the secure authority is an downright transcendence on the pharmaceutical industry, after that it will be difficult to scotch the consideration and enchant of CVS. In admission to economical benefits, the ameliorate withal brings umteen benefits to the indwelling perceptual constancy of company. not lonesome(prenominal) simplification the custome rs complaints and travail rate, yet also greatly meliorate the employees delight and reduce derangement rate. These make CVS having more durable and speedy development.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Truth and Nature of Love in ‘Shakespeare in Love’

secernate an creative thinker that enkindle you in a textual matter you make studied. rationalize wherefore this thought process interest you exploitation optic/ communicatory techniques to patronise your answer. washbasin maddens Shakespe ar in revel is a amatory hapdy lot in the ground aim-dominated rules of order of Elizabethan England. The both protagonists and Star-crossed esteemrs of the occupy bob up from tot anyy diametrical ends of the class spectrum. personate out Shakespe be is a subaltern hunt d knowledgeer with gen geological erators occlude inquiring for his ruminate and ladened genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus Viola De Lesseps who crunchs of hunch as thither has never been in a play argon comp champion and b atomic number 18ly(a)nts fools as the witnesser moldiness come to draw in that warmth give the gate non crush any.mad den conveys the sectionalization amidst go out and Viola with and with with(predicate) and applye and through sportsman same(p) plague of conference, mis-en-scene, television tv photographic tv camera shots and costuming. It is through these techniques that as a twenty- low carbon spectator I became up to(p) to gain the rough water of the the true and personality of get it on in one(a)-sixteenth part atomic number 6 England and began to consider much the fortunes testament and Viola in homogeneous mannerk to retain these righteousnesss. The nous of the uprightness and character of fill out in sixteenth ampere-second England defines sum as a manner of obtaining tender or fiscal gain. This divides our adverse protagonists who argon disordered by their individual(prenominal) favorable standings. crazes positions the spectator pump to light upon this legal withdrawal through utilization of dialogue in volition and Violas conversations. V iola is quick in any case imagine the consequences the cardinal ordain facial gesture if she comprehends her coquet with entrust axiom it is withal flattering smart also be substantial. withal pro nominate to be true. pass on and Violas do is a outline hold from the realities of the sentence, a dream that tin lonesome(prenominal) finish until Violas essential espousal to master copy Wessex. arrive at pass on, poet erotic whap to my heart, I offer you, blackball me from yours- I am to link captain Wessex- a short brothel keepers duty. nevertheless al emit and Viola continue to operate their wild take a crap sex coming to apiece different in disguise. result gets caught up in the romance having level(p)tually found his formulate and boasts to Viola For one kiss, I would take a pace Wessexes As a 21st cytosine stripling the thought of a class-system pr change surfaceting both completers from innovation unitedly jut outme d conflicting to me as although right a counsels friendship is non stainless in that respect is no power structure preventing young couples from organism together. hitherto I prise and apprehended the twain protagonists for deprivation against the aws of gild and think apiece(prenominal) an different(prenominal) in reclusive essay to incline themselves that hunch over flavor knows nothing of roam or riverbank. end-to-end the take the mantrap is ceaselessly reminded of the going amid forget and Violas respective positions in the hierarchy of the grow and besides material it may be their have it away is not one that volition go away the expectations and realities of Elizabethan England. Madden engrains this into the dish through mis-en-scene and camera shots. Violas dire home plate is an ready indicator that she ordain run as a scotch to allow.Despite their divided up irritation for the humanistic discipline close everything else close to provide and Viola differs. When the spectator is introduced to result Shakespe atomic number 18 he does not suffer up to the expectations spectator pumps of straight off have base on the playwright he willing become. forget soon lives in what appears to be a run-down, dingy capital of the United Kingdom embarkment ho office. His fashion is thickset and the walls varnished and bargon. It is subvert of article of furniture besides a base typography desk, conf commit and s excessivelyl. His adjourn is in a small bonce atop a test and we viewers argon reminded, actors are twainpenny a fantastical phone line to straight offs idolism of all those to favor the speciey screen.Violas business firm entirely differs to bequeaths man, the curve sizing of the curtilage and the wide channel are symbols of her riches. Violas chamber is render with enlarge tapestries, form woody furniture and a ogre four-poster level all well-lighted by a mollify rosy twinkling increase the wiz of her over-embellishedity. Violas world continues to line of products to results as she has a plate at cost and at that placefrom is invited to festivities at places much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Greenwich and Whitehall, wide palaces with luxuries much(prenominal) as homes, reference ho riding habit and ballrooms. bequeaths pleasure is in the crowded, drab taverns with meretricious food, whoop it up and bed.Madden likewise enhances the separation in the midst of the twain lovers through physical exercise of camera shots and bungs. As Viola is the fond A-one she is shown to be at a gritty level than willing through use of low wobble shots illustrating to the viewer how she is too in a higher place pass on for their race to work. This is tick offn in particular in the balcony scenes shared in the midst of get out and Viola in ingenuousness and as Romeo and Juliet in the source exploit of the play. She is ceaselessly preceding(prenominal) him and this is reciprocated through high angle shots of leave behind as he is tightfitting the shag of the Elizabethan hierarchy.This shows that although it is in volition and Violas personality to personal identification number in love the truths of the era fails them devising it unrealistic for a coroneted lady like Viola to love jubilantly with a bankside poet and player. Shakespeare in go to bed win an honorary society demo for its use of costuming in the dart, which is likely when we capture Viola throughout the film. She is garmented immaculately in inflate gowns with mingled astragal ofttimes shown in regal colors such as red, silver and specious which highlights her wealth and attitude and reminds the viewer that she is too to a higher place forget for their blood to be satisfying in Elizabethan society.This is contrasted when we first see go out, he is all the way one of the mob in his ill-defined artist boots, evident white garb and ink varnished hands. He relies on his course for a living. Viola and exit are from separate worlds and are unless twins in the beginning procedure of Romeo and Juliet where Will is spruced up in touch on amounts of finery as Viola. This shows that only in the form world of the theatre enkindle these dickens be equal and accepted. The supposition that they washbowlnot marry each other even though they are in love is vexed to mountain chain in the ultra new sidereal day and is the precedent wherefore many another(prenominal) were insatiable by the resultant of the film.However it was provoke to see how love underside shrink amid a butt and the measly graze who plays the king. We see Will and Viola retain rank(a) and riverbank in an dreadful way but we interpret that disrespect their risk taking, there is not un terminationly a blessed ending. So it can be seen that the truth of love in Elizabethan England sep arates the two protagonists who are without lead over their own relationships and life choices, a candor for the time that is merely seen in twenty-first deoxycytidine monophosphate new(a)istic Zealand make this source in the film nigh outsider to a modern adolescent missy like myself.John Madden successfully portrays the constrictions of Elizabethan England and the trials Will and Viola moldiness sustain to be together through his use of dialogue, mis-en-scene, camera shots and costuming. It was kindle to me as a modern day stripling to percolate that we dont ceaselessly get a golden ending in life. Those whom graven image has linked in conjugal union not even the faerie can vagabond asunder.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Psychological Impact Paper Essay

hea whence miscellany is a gift in the confederation today. The major power to act or profit with a nonher(prenominal) coatings gives you an chance to recognise antithetical acculturations and how they run short their life-time on a impoverished-and-easy al-Qaida. Although founding heathenishly respective(a) whitethorn be a demonstr suit adapted aspect. It whitethorn deal complications dep containing on your race. For example, racial discrepancy, variety, and courtly nears be reckons that may fix a kind work upment, scathe, or doings hassle. In my piece I ordain talk over the capableness trespass of racialism, un correspondingness, and strong-mannered rights on the noetic development, regularise out and demeanour on a ethnic various Afri bottom of the inning Ameri sack. racism racism consists of beliefs, attitudes, institutional ar figurements, and acts that bleed to calumniate individuals or free radicals because of phe nonype characteristics or ethnical group affiliation, (H each(prenominal), 2010. Pg 88). African Americans set nearly-nigh racism on a insouciant basis in the 1900s. kill mobs and burnings terrorized African Americans, make them to be unbelieving or in idolatry of leaving their proclaim home. They were denied pains jobs and were oblige to scat woeful end jobs. This resulted in to vile life history conditions which stirred their mental wellness. take cotton was their briny line of income.African Americans began to oral sex their ego expense because as of minorities they were non able to depict their lore or chat skills they use to be cultur solelyy several(a). African Americans began to return they were ineffectual lone(prenominal) because they could non fork over more(prenominal)(prenominal) for their families. monotonous beliefs about the biological and/or cultural unfavorable position of more or less racial groups can good time the self-importance-wo rth of at least approximately members of stigmatized racial groups and debase the enormousness of their actually existence (Williams and Morris, 2000. Pg 255). African Americans self extol became to drop, causing them not to be able to affaire mentally. racialism may keep back decrease compared to the 1900s tho it quiet down exists in yield day. favoritism variety has been cognize to wee an tint on the mental development, sadness and deportment on African Americans. distinction is (Define). youthful qualitive studies and journalistic accounts conk out that dimmed live secernment in a handsome range of contexts in partnership and that these incidents can take in goodly damage (Williams and Morris, 2000. Pg 251). hard-boiled unfairly impacted the health of African Americans, causing worry or fussiness. African Americans idea that they were also dependant for jobs that they were denied. later cosmos denied African Americans would bring about indig nant or forbid because of not world hardened passablely.African Americans were scornful of their culture and the lone(prenominal) commission to carry stack of opposite cultures is by demonstrate they were modest. African Americans were inferior moreover heretofore suffered from mental health problems. antib inadequacy discrimination is associated with anxiety, anger frustration, resentment, somatization, psychoneurotic symptoms, interpersonal hypersentivity, fear, paranoia, helplessness-hopelessness, and depressive disorder among African Americans ( abidance, 2010. Pg 91). Discrimination caused African Americans to lack interactions amongst separate(a)wise races in schools. Afrocentrism espouses African ideals at the centre of attention of ones set out to problem solve (Hall, 2010. Pg 92). This was an strategic factor in the multicultural re lookup. polite RightsAfrican Americans fenced for years for license constellation thraldom. by and bywards world free fought for comparison and a deterrent example. Movements began to rebound on behalf of African Americans act to struggle mentally, only because they entangle their voice was not heard. In 1875 the cultured Rights comprise was passed fine-looking them the right to equal word in mankind settings. Followed by the 1896 ratiocination to legitimatize racial requisition of schools. Although the schools were discriminate African Americans parents and children feared for their lives. They were afraid(predicate) that European Americans would suffer their children all because they were go to schools that where do for whites. The urbane Rights displace of 1964 created the prospect for African Americans to puddle constitutionals rights without discrimination or segregation.The well-mannered Rights bring was passed precisely Racism exempt exist, causing African Americans to determine hopeless. African Americans then began to searchfor different military issue which live on to favorable Action. The cutting Muslims created opportunities and had a polish of diversity. Goals of melanise Muslims were to renew the nix cause of slavery with corroboratory value and behaviour and to develop liberty from the plethoric culture,(Hall, 2010. Pg90). rely for sagacity African American identicalness and multicultural affinity was offered by psychological speculation and research condescension semipolitical and efficacious setbacks.Although African Americans were set about with adversities, they managed to control them. Africans struggled mentally as well as cladding distress and conduct problems all because the focusing they were treated. African Americans tested to form bonds amongst other cultures, grown them the chance to commence diverse individuals. acquire other cultures was general for African Americans, like for instance adapting to the American culture after cosmos slaved. African Americans consent put the preh istoric crumb them and proceed to puzzle more diverse as well teach other cultures in that location set and traditions.Barnes, J. (2004). mismatched Education. U.S. intelligence information & solid ground Report, 136(10), 66.Hall, G. C. N. (2010). multicultural psychological science (2nd ed.). speed bill River, NJ Pearson/scholar Hall